260 Users
Last updated: 2022-10-24 09:17:02 1 Language en,

Organize your homepage and workflow while staying inspired. Immerse yourself in some of the favourite images of landscapes, cultures and countries in the office or at home. While organizing your work keep your browser tab refresh daily with some of the favourite wallpapers at your fingertips.

In addition you can always access to Google apps, your history, define your shortcuts, customise your bookmarks and choose your favourite search engine.

Feel free to share this extension with dearly one.

All image are copyrighted and do not use/share for any commercial purpose without permission.

This is a white label enterprise extension for withManish.

Organize your homepage and workflow while staying inspired. Immerse yourself in some of the favourite images of landscapes, cultures and countries in the office or at home. While organizing your work keep your browser tab refresh daily with some of the favourite wallpapers at your fingertips.

In addition you can always access to Google apps, your history, define your shortcuts, customise your bookmarks and choose your favourite search engine.

Feel free to share this extension with dearly one.

All image are copyrighted and do not use/share for any commercial purpose without permission.

This is a white label enterprise extension for withManish.